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Media, faith and security

Protecting Freedom of Expression in Religious Context


Clara is a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge (POLIS) and a guest Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. After obtaining her PhD in the school of IR at the University of St Andrews in 2015, she joined the "Media, Faith, and Security" team in November 2015. She has recently published an article in Critical Studies on Terrorism on "the remote securitisation of Islam in the US post-9/11: euphemisation, metaphors and the "logic of expected consequences" in counter-radicalisation discourse" (Volume 8, issue 2, pp. 246-265) and has a forthcoming article on the "religion-security nexus" in International Studies Review. Her PhD thesis critically analyses the securitisation of Islam in the US post-9/11 with the concepts of indirect speech acts, everyday security and the logic of remoteness. Her (other) current research projects examine the visual and linguistic violence in the "Je suis Charlie" campaign after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris and the relationship between the sacred, the secular and security.


Dr Clara  Eroukhmanoff

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